Is it important to aim for something big in life?

Many people believe that aiming for something big in life isn't always a good idea because it may bring disappointment. I personally believe that its the same as preparing to fail, and if you have this mindset you will find it very difficult to achieve great things. The truth is people don't fail because they aim too high, but they fail because they aim too low. I have heard many success stories of individuals who achieved things that many people didn't think were possible. A great example is Steve Jobs, who was the co-founder of the multi-billion dollar company Apple. Steve Jobs achieved the impossible by aiming for the impossible. He had a vision of "computer for the rest of us" which really changed the world. At first computers were no where to be found in households due to no one really thinking of them as an essential plus they were incredibly over sized. Jobs and his team managed to invent smaller machines that were suitable for household use. Apple now has a market cap of about $750 Billion, all because of a dream Steve Jobs brought to life. The moral of the story is that always aim big even if your dream seems almost impossible to achieve. Vision is the ability to see what others don't, people believe that seeing is believing but in actual fact believing is seeing. If you don't believe that your dream is achievable then you will never achieve it, simple as that.

Yes, we all want that feeling when you finally manage to achieve something you have been working very hard for. This doesn't mean that the journey will be a smooth sale, big goals need a lot of commitment which is why many people end up revising their goals. Christopher Reeves quotes "So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable"